3 Phase 2 Speed Motor Wiring Diagram Pdf

Shows a typical line or schematic diagram.
3 phase 2 speed motor wiring diagram pdf. 3 phase or 2 phase 3 wire for 2 phase 3 wire l2 and t2 are common sgl. Kp 0003 with 2 speeds and 1 winding. Two speed motors for all other single phase wiring diagrams refer to the manufacturers data on the motor. Three phase motors with squirrel cage rotor.
3 single speed only 3ø wiring diagrams u1 red v1 yellow w1 blue black thermal contacts tb white if fitted l1 l2 l3 n e codes. Electrical motors 12 lead dual voltage wye start delta run both voltages or 6 lead single voltage wye start delta run motors designed by us motors for wye start delta run may also be used for across the line starting using only the delta connection. W2 cj2 ui vi wi w2 cj2 ui vi wi a cow voltage y high voltage z t4 til t12 10 til t4 t5 ali l2 t12 ti blu t2 wht t3 org t4 yel t5 blk t6 gry t7 pnk t8 red t9 brk red tio curry tii grn t12 vlt z t4 til t12. Terminal markings and internal wiring diagrams single phase and polyphase motors meeting nema standards see fig.
Damage will occur if the motor is operated with load for more. Typical line or schematic diagram t3 95 reset 96 l2 t2 l1 1 3 2 t1 97 98 3 2 1 m ol 3 phase motor start stop a1 a2 l3 t3 95 ol ol ol ol 96 l2 t2 l1 1 2 3 t1 ac lines m m m m m motor start stop a1 a2. See mg 1 2 21 mg 1 2 24 direction of rotation. Diagram dd4 low speed.
Overload relays ac motors dc motors wiring capacitors resistors semiconductors table 1 standard elementary diagram symbols cont d iron core air core auto iron core air core current dual voltage thermal magnetic single phase 3 phase squirrel cage 2 phase 4 wire wound rotor armature shunt field show 4 loops series field show 3 loops. Multi speed three phase induction motors cantoni motor s a. Kp 0001 with one speed. Diagram dd5 two speed motors for all other single phase wiring diagrams refer to the manufacturers data on the motor.
Capacitor motor single phase wiring diagrams always use wiring diagram supplied on motor nameplate. Motor wiring diagram u s. Gra yñskiego 22 43 30 bielsko bia a poland tel. Kp 0007 with 2 speeds and 1 winding.
Phase lines sizes 0 l and 1p single phase sizes and 1 direct current 6 pilot light red black sizes 0 1 3 phase with pilot light 8. Diagram dd6 diagram dd7 m 1 ln e diagram dd8 ln e l1 l2 l3 s c z1 u2 z2 u1 cap. Thermal contacts tb white m 1 z2 yellow z1 blue u2 black u1 red bridge l1 and l2 if speed controller s c is not required m 1 ln e. 2 11 in which vector 1 is 120 degrees in advance of vector 2 and the phase sequence is 1 2 3.
Three phase motors with squirrel cage rotor.